How to check KPLC token balance


Most pre-paid KPC customers have the benefit of always knowing their token balance from their meter readings. However, postpaid customers don’t have that luxury. They instead rely on inquiries from the energy supplier to know the electricity debt they owe the company.

How do you actually check your token balance?

Safaricom offers a reliable SMS system partnering with Kenya power’s automated E-bill query system service of knowing your balance. However, you can also get your balance through an email from the e-bill service. Here are a few steps on how to go about it.

  • Draft a new SMS
  • In the empty message field input your account number (The first part only before the hyphen e.g if your account number is 67890-04 you only input 67890
  • Send the message to 95551
  • You will receive a message indicating your account details and balance

Check this too: How to Check KPLC Meter Ownership

Check token balance online

There is an alternate E-bill mail service that sends you your balance through email.

  • Compose a new email
  • In the mail message field input the first part of your account number (before the hyphen)
  • Send the mail to
  • You will get an automated response in your email inbox detailing your account balance.