How to reverse an M-Pesa transaction


Reversing a M-Pesa transaction comes to mind when you have made payments to a wrong number, or paybill. So how do you go about it? This piece outlines the steps you should follow.

How to reverse M-Pesa sent to a wrong number

Here are the methods you can use to reverse wrong money transactions.

1. Reversal using M-Pesa confirmation Service

Perhaps the first step in reversing a wrong transaction is halting the transaction via the prompt that displays before transaction completion confirmation. This 25-second window allows you to cancel the transaction if the particulars displayed are not of the intended recipient. Simply press a letter or number on the empty dialogue box and confirm send. That should halt the transaction.

2. Call customer care

a) Speaking to a customer care agent

This old school option actually works. Your only wish is that the lines are free and not busy. You will be required to provide your personal details and proof of ownership when talking to a customer care agent. Before calling the toll free number 100, ensure you have the details of the erroneous transaction and your ID number. After the verification process, the agent should be able to reverse your transaction.

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b) Following customer care prompts

Alternatively, you can follow the various prompts and guidelines when you call the customer care 100 number. When you press the relevant numbers corresponding to your request, you should be directed to the self M-Pesa reversal step. Here you will enter the erroneous transaction code. A confirmation message of the reversal will be sent to you.

For M-Pesa agents contacting customer care using the number 234 helps. Answer the following questions promptly availing the necessary details.

3. Using M-Pesa reversal 456 SMS code

You can reverse you can forward your M-Pesa message to 456. This process doesn’t attract any SMS charges. It would, however, take up to 2 hours for the reversal to be completed.

4. Using the Safaricom Hakikisha Method for M-Pesa withdrawal from the wrong agent

This process is simple as you can see below.

  • Forward the transaction message your customer received from M-Pesa to 2530
  • You will receive an SMS confirmation message
  • Then you will use the USSD code 234
  • Select option on M-Pesa Agent services
  • Select reversal request which is the first option
  • Key in the erroneous transaction ID
  • Click send
  • Wait for a reversal confirmation SMS

If you are experiencing delays, follow up the reversal by calling 234.

Read Also: Change M-Pesa registration information

How do I reverse M-Pesa Paybill transaction

  • Call Safaricom directory 191 requesting for merchant number of the erroneous paybill
  • Request for the merchant operating the paybill number
  • Call the merchant. Ensure that you furnish them with transaction details, your ID number, and phone number.
  • The merchant will confirm the transaction and commence a reversal
  • Mostly the process takes two days to be reversed

There you have it, how to reverse M-Pesa transactions is not as hard as you thought.